Jeremy Phillips

Jeremy Phillips is an organizational change consultant who works in partnership with his clients to bring the best of themselves and their work forward to advance their vital social justice missions. Jeremy Phillips, M. Ed., has been a facilitator and trainer for...

Claudia Lach

Claudia Lach is an OD consultant, trainer, facilitator, and coach. Since founding her private practice in 2000, she has been working with individuals, teams and organizations to identify and generate the change needed to achieve desired outcomes. Her work focuses on...

Rosalind Spigel

Rosalind A. Spigel, MSOD, ACC, is an Organization Development Consultant, published Leadership Coach, certified Behavioral Analyst, and Principal of Spigel Consulting, Inc., a firm that specializes in Organization Development, Leadership Coaching, and Hiring.A former...

Darcy Dobell

Darcy Dobell's longstanding interest in community and ecology has taken her through a professional career that includes over 25 years of public sector, NGO, and consulting work. She spent a number of years in the BC public service with a focus on natural resource...

Vu Le

Vu Le is the Executive Director of Rainier Valley Corps, a nonprofit in Seattle that promotes social justice by developing leaders of color, strengthening organizations led by communities of color, and fostering collaboration between diverse communities. He writes the...

Patrice Funderburg

Patrice Funderburg is the founder and chief visionary of Educate To Engage LLC (Edu2Engage), a social justice advisory services company with a bold vision to end institutional racism through education, exposure, and engagement. Educate To Engage LLC offers a free...

Deborah Howard

DEBORAH HOWARD, Esq., M.S.O.D., founder and President of Guiding Change Consulting, Inc. is a leading organizational consultant, professional certified coach, and author who previously worked as a public interest lawyer.  She brings intercultural insight and a passion...

Contact Us

Contact Us Robert Gass is the developer of the Art of Transformational Consulting training, tools and publications – you can learn more about him here and reach out directly here. This site is managed by Change Elemental. The Art of Transformational Consulting...

Visioning Toolkit

A valuable series of articles and best practices for facilitating visioning with teams and organizations. What it can do This tool can help leaders and consultants: Facilitate creating a Mission Statement Facilitate creating a Vision Facilitate creating Core Values...

Transformational Coaching Toolkit

A series of articles, tools and best practices on a transformational approach to coaching. For consultants, coaches, leaders and managers. What it can do This tool can help leaders, consultants and coaches: Learn and apply a model for transformational coaching Learn...