Rachel Humphrey

Rachel Humphrey has worked for justice and rights across a variety of geographies and fields for two decades. Currently Rachel serves as Program Director for Bay Area Justice Funders Network, where she has developed a new leadership development program for social...

Benjamin Gass

Ben is a strategy and communication consultant with nine years of experience working for social justice and social impact.An executive coach and strategist for progressive organizations, entrepreneurs, and social impact companies, Ben began his career at the leading...

Brigette Rouson

Brigette Rouson brings over 25 years' experience building nonprofit effectiveness toward a just society. Her practice involves capacity-building projects for organizational and community change, leadership development, facilitation/training, action research, and...

Jim Potterton

Jim Potterton, Ph.D. is a highly skilled consultant, coach and facilitator. His work with individuals and groups is rooted in an optimistic, strength-based approach.  He assists his clients increase their awareness and safely experiment with new modes of thinking and...

Maggie Potapchuk

Maggie Potapchuk is the founder of MP Associates, a national consulting practice that works in partnership with organizations, and communities, to build capacity and facilitate change to collectively achieve racial justice. She works with organizations seeking to...

Randall Smith

Randall Smith is the founder of PowerLabs, a consulting firm that supports organizations to create leaderful, open source campaigns. He specializes in training, coaching and strategic planning support to build the capacity of organizations, leaders and networks. His...

Chandra Larsen

For over 20 years, I’ve worked with people and organizations committed to tackling pervasive social problems resulting from systems of racial, gender, and sexual inequities and violence. I’m deeply committed to working with groups pursuing bold visions for a just...

Lisa Silverberg

Lisa supports those working to create a more just world, whether they be local grassroots groups or national advocacy organizations agitating for social, racial or economic justice. Upon entry into the world of activism in the LGBTQ movement 20 years ago, Lisa was...

Robert Hudek

Bob Hudek is the organizational leadership specialist for the Service Employees International Union BOLD Center. He brings more than 40 years of front-line organizing, executive directing, leadership development, and campaign management in social change...

Courageous Conversations Toolkit

Learn how to have greater ease and success in having authentic, challenging conversations. A series of articles, best practices and tools to develop this most critical skill for leaders and consultants. What it is A series of articles, best practices, and tools for...